Easy Pretreatment Tips and Tricks

1. Easy Pretreatment Tips and Tricks

Pretreating garments for DTG printing should not be that complex and can be done in just a few simple steps. These instructions will guide you to ensure that your garments not only print flawlessly but also look absolutely stunning!

2. The Basic Theory

Pretreatment serves as a crucial primer in digital printing for garments of all colours – light and dark alike.

Its primary objectives are twofold: firstly, to enrich the colours achieved through CMYK inks only, and secondly, to ensure optimal adhesion of the underbase ink when incorporating white into the printing process.

Additionally, when applied and cured correctly, the pretreatment should also improve the washability of the print. 


You have the option to apply it manually, such as with a spray gun, or use a dedicated machine for the application.

3. The application
  • Use a lint roller to remove any loose fibres from the surface of the garment.
  • If the garment is wrinkled, also heat press it before applying the treatment.
  • Apply the solution away to the printer, preferably in a separate room if available.
  • Make sure to apply the solution evenly. A sponge roller can help you achieve this.
  • Dry the pretreatment. In some cases, printing the garment while slightly damp can yield the best results.
  • Print the design and immediately dry and cure the print.
4. Storage of pretreated garments

Maximise efficiency in your print shop by pretreating garments in advance. It’s possible to keep pretreated garments in stock for several days when properly handled.

To get best results, ensure the utilisation of pretreated garments as soon as possible. And to maintain their quality, pack them properly and always press the garment before printing for optimal results. Also important, is to avoid excessive handling, such as touching or folding pretreated garments, as it can damage the pretreated area on the garment.

5. A few tips and tricks
  • Create a well-ventilated space to foster a healthy work environment for your employees.
  • Experiment with different garment laydown techniques to determine the most effective method for pretreating.
  • Avoid packing garments while they are still hot.
  • Conduct wash tests to perfect curing procedures for various colours, garment brands, and compositions.
  • Don’t forget to regularly maintain your pretreatment device.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when storing and handling pretreatment solutions.

6. Final Words

Spraying pretreatment solutions should be a straightforward process once you have determined the most suitable application and procedures for your business.

By executing it correctly, you can achieve a flawless blend of colour while ensuring the design remains vibrant and long-lasting for your customers.

7. Want to learn more?

Check out this online course that might help you: How to Put Your Art on a t-shirt. In this online course, we will talk about which file formats are suitable for the different t-shirt printing methods.

Also have a look at our DTG printing online course for more info on DTG printing business and t-shirt design.

8 – Do you have a question too?

If you have any questions or feedback, please comment or email us at ask@dtgmerch.com

Until next time, all the best, take care and be good!

The DTGMerch Team  
